Reasons To Choose A Mobile App Development Company

Surabhi C.
6 min readSep 14, 2021


Mobile application development is a very fast-growing industry today. It has become the fastest way to reach out to your customers and market any product or service in this digital era globally. Mobile applications are used for many purposes like tracking, booking, etc.

They have been proved to be one of the best ways to manage customer relationships as they provide ease of use at any time anywhere. A lot of business owners now prefer developing their own apps rather than hiring freelancers because it requires less time investment with higher quality results. In addition to that, there’s no need to pay for expensive software tools which can cost you thousands of dollars per year.

If you want to build an effective and powerful app then you must consider these factors:

1) User experience: The user interface design is extremely important for every single aspect of your apps such as navigation, UI/UX flow, and overall look & feel. You should also make sure that all its features work smoothly without causing bugs.

If users find anything wrong with your app then they may not try using it again. So, always focus on building an amazing UX while designing and implementing your app.

2) Security: An app with secure data storage will help you save money from paying hefty monthly fees to cloud providers. Also, if your app gets hacked then everything stored inside will get stolen by hackers.

To avoid this problem, ensure that before launching your app you test all security aspects thoroughly including cross-site scripting, XSS

Note — If you are looking for the best mobile app development company that can help grow your business then I will recommend Galaxy Weblinks Inc. a USA-based custom software and mobile app development company.

3) Data accessibility: Accessibility is essential when working in the field of online businesses so it would be wise to keep up to date with the latest trends. For example, Google recently announced a new update called ‘Material Design 2’.

This means that developers have to redesign their current Android apps completely. Another thing to note here is that even minor changes made in your code might affect other parts of your app leading to serious problems down the line.

Therefore, make sure that your code is well organized and easy to maintain throughout its life cycle.

4) Scalability: Your app needs to scale easily once launched. Otherwise, your users won’t stick around until they see improvements in performance. That’s why ensuring scalability is key to success. As soon as possible after launch, you should start looking into how you can increase efficiency and reduce costs.

There are several methods available through which you can do this but none of them involve spending huge sums of money. One way is to utilize third-party services. These include Amazon Web Services, Rackspace Cloud Servers, DigitalOcean Spaces, and Microsoft Azure Virtual Machines.

5) Search engine optimization: SEO plays a vital role in getting high organic rankings on search engines. Without having a proper SEO strategy, you cannot expect high traffic to your website. And we know that 80% of people who download an app never return back.

Hence, it becomes imperative to optimize your app properly in order to achieve maximum conversions. Here comes the importance of keywords research. Keywords play a major part in driving targeted visitors towards your app.

Make sure to add relevant keywords in the title, description, and tags sections of your app. Alongside adding optimized content, you should also check whether your page load times are acceptable enough. Users generally don’t wait more than 3 seconds for loading pages.

6) Customer support: Good customer support is another crucial factor that helps you gain loyal fans. Even though most of us think that it doesn’t matter much but actually good customer support does help.

When you ask questions regarding your app, chances are the answer will come within minutes instead of hours. Moreover, you can solve issues directly related to your app rather than giving feedback about something else.

Besides, answering queries of your users makes them stay engaged longer with your brand.

7) Analytics: Analyzing real-time statistics tell you what exactly works and what doesn’t. For instance, you can track how often each segment clicked on certain buttons, which led him to buy products offered in his feed.

All those insights give you valuable information about your audience’s behavior and preferences. This allows you to improve your marketing strategies accordingly.

8 ) Marketing: Marketing your app is just half done when you develop it. After releasing your app, you still need to promote it. So before launching your app, create campaigns such as ads or videos using tools like Facebook Ads Manager, AdWords, and YouTube.

Don’t forget to use social media channels too! Social media has become one of the best platforms to connect with potential customers. You can share updates regularly to get noticed by followers. It may take time initially but eventually, these efforts pay off big time.

9) Security/Data protection: The world of technology is fast-changing and developing every day. But if security isn’t taken care of then there could be trouble ahead. People now prefer to trust only websites that offer secure data transmission systems.

If your app takes user personal info such as credit card numbers then ensure that no unauthorized person gains access to it. Also, make sure that all sensitive data is stored securely inside your device.

10) Pricing model: Once you decide on your pricing plan, go ahead and put it out there. Whether you charge per month or per year depends entirely upon your target market and business goals.

By charging yearly subscription plans, you’ll not only save yourself from paying monthly fees but also provide better value to your end clientele.

11) Usability: No doubt usability is important while designing any app. However, there are some aspects where you shouldn’t compromise quality over usability. Ensure that your app design looks neat and clean at first glance.

Let your users understand quickly how to navigate your app and perform tasks efficiently. A great UX can turn a simple idea into an amazing success story for your company.

12) App Store Optimization: Nowadays, more searches happen through the Google Play store than Apple iTunes. Therefore, having an ASO strategy for both stores can boost up your sales drastically.

Having said that, we cannot ignore that iOS apps have higher download rates compared to Android Apps. Hence, you should focus primarily on iOS optimization. Here, we will discuss a few tips and tricks to optimize your app performance better.

13) User Experience: One thing that matters the most is the experience your clients receive once they open their app. Make sure your app provides smooth navigation so that they don’t face any difficulty during usage.

An optimized UI enhances usability and increases conversions. Thus, consider optimizing your app interface based on its purpose.

14) Content: Your content plays a key role in determining whether people love your app or hate it. Keep updating your blog articles or press releases frequently.

Always keep adding new features to your product or service. These small changes add up to large results over time.

15) Designing & Development Process: As mentioned earlier, a successful launch requires planning and execution. While creating your app, make sure to include all vital elements listed above.

Some developers skip this step because they feel that they already know everything required for building an awesome application. Well, nothing beats practice, right?

Hope you find the article helpful. Let me know your thoughts in the comment section. Additional information — you can hire the best mobile application development company located at Boston.

